You will receive $100,000 from Airbnb if you create a truly bizarre abode

The rental business will distribute a $10 million prize among the top 100 candidates.

Recently, Airbnb has really leaned on the more bizarre aspects of its product. Thanks to its new filter system, which enables you to search by categories like “island,” “windmill,” or “OMG!” properties are now more accessible than ever. Examples include this enormous shell-shaped house and this distant lodge on stilts. Additionally, the business is currently giving away a ton of money tremendous those who wish to develop their own spectacular rentals.

That’s right, if you’ve ever considered hosting, the moment is now. You will receive a one-time payment of $100,000 ($81,000) from a special fund established with the goal of $10 million ($8.13 million) to assist you in building the most absurd house imaginable. The only difficulty is that it must fall under the “OMG!” category, which has reportedly received more than 2.5 million clicks since it went live last month. We all seem to be yearning for the most bizarre vacations.

Do you have any idea how much money a host may make? According to the business, the average yearly income for users of its network is about $13,800 (£11,216). And based on the stranger rents, we predict much higher earnings.

You’re going to need to be prompt if you want to propose a concept. On the official “OMG! Fund” page, you have until July 22 — or around one month from now — to submit your insane idea. Iris Apfel, a renowned designer, Koichi Takada, an architect, and Potato Hotel host Kristie Wolfe are on the judging panel. We suggest? Take out a pen and some paper, and let your imagination loose.

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